Are long-term insomnia and stress related?
Is long-term insomnia and stress related?
Studies have shown that mortality and cardiovascular disease is closely related insomnia , severe insomnia can increase the risk of heart disease . Depression is the incidence of psychiatric illness precursor. Many cases of sleep quality lower because of pressure caused by the patient gradually increased . But we can not solve these problems alone sleep medication.
Under normal circumstances, young people sleep at least eight hours , but with increasing age , sleep time will be reduced in the elderly , usually 6-7 hours , but due to various factors , most of the working people daily sleep time is less than eight hours . Dr Chan said the psychological , physical and external environmental factors all contribute to lack of sleep and insomnia incentives. But why sleep due to insomnia or cause disease , many people do not know . There are some people on their own to take sleeping pills to solve sleep problems , which can only be a temporary solution that can solve the short-term sleep , but once dependent on drugs , the more difficult to solve sleep problems.
There is a close relationship between insomnia and anxiety and depression , chronic insomnia do not get a reasonable intervention , then it is easy to lead to psychological disorders . Therefore , correct treatment of anxiety , insomnia and depression are equally important. Insomnia and physical illness, such as the existence of a close relationship with hypertension , cardiovascular diseases , endocrine disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome. Sleep -disordered breathing is one of the common diseases in elderly sleep , sleep apnea and obesity is a major cause of syndrome , sleep apnea syndrome, hypertension, coronary heart disease , stroke , diabetes, nighttime independent risk factor for sudden death .
There is a close relationship between insomnia and anxiety and depression , chronic insomnia do not get a reasonable intervention , then it is easy to lead to psychological disorders . Therefore , correct treatment of anxiety , insomnia and depression are equally important. Insomnia and physical illness, such as the existence of a close relationship with hypertension , cardiovascular diseases , endocrine disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome. Sleep -disordered breathing is one of the common diseases in elderly sleep , sleep apnea and obesity.
With time and increasing age, the effect of this because the quality of sleep resulting from the accumulation occurs . The most obvious is depressed and reticent . Long-term depression and reticent also morbid performance, and this performance will also counterproductive to sleep , cause sleep disorders .
Long-term insomnia is caused by a series of clinical symptoms, and even induce some organic disease "If insomnia twelve days one week , should have little problem , but if this way every week , which is looking for a reason ; if it is a long-term insomnia and even affect the work and study, it would have to rush to the hospital for treatment.
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